CS GO Weapon Guide: AK 47

The AK-47 is probably the best (automatic) weapon in CS:GO, since it is able to one-shot-kill even with armor, if you hit the head or neck.

There are 3 ways to shoot using AK 47:

1. Tapping:

Aim for the head and shot only once, wait until your (dynamic) cross is fully reset and repeat as fast as possible. This technique avoids spray effects altogether. Since it take only milliseconds, you can actually shoot pretty fast. Practice shooting at the exact same spot on a wall, until you got the timing perfectly. Some players only use this technique with the AK-47, because of its one-shot-kill ability, but most prefer to use it mostly for long distance combat.

2. Bursting:

Aim for the head and shot 2-4 times. While the first 2 shots are pretty accurate, after that you need to pull down slightly so compensate for the recoil. Practice this by shooting against a wall. If you do not have dynamic crosshair (most don’t these days), you know that the your aim is reset, when your weapon model is back into default position (it goes up and back while bursting). You can use bursting in combination with side stepping / strafing in order to be harder to hit. Prefer this technique in close to medium distances.

3. Spraying:

It means just press the left mouse button and lets see what happens, the AK-47 sprays a lot more in CS:GO than in CS 1.6. But if you are in short distance fights and have to face multiple opponents, it is quite effective to spray. Even if you don’t hit a headshot (for which you should always aim) the first hit will most likely throw off your opponents aim.

Spray patterns and recoil compensation:



AK-47 Properties
Magazine capacity30/90
Firing mode(s)Automatic
Rate of fire600 RPM
Used byTerrorists
Reload time2.5 seconds
Movement speed215
Kill Award$300 (Competitive)
$150 (Casual)
Armor Penetration77.5%
Penetration Power200
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