Find Best Counter Strike Server with Lowest Ping

This guide will tell you how to find best server for you with lowest pings/latency.
 People generally complain about ping/latency or lag problem, as latency/ping depends upon the distance of you from the server, more distance means high latency so first thing you are gonna do is to search the server closest to your place.

 Find Best counter strike Server for yourself...

counter strike server

Now this is how we'll do this:

  1. Goto this link --> server search
  2. Now select "Counter Strike 1.6" from "playing" tab.
    counter strike 1.6 servers
  3. Now select your country from "Located in" tab.
    cs 1.6 servers
  4. Now click "GO" and Results will be displayed.
    counter strike global offensive

Now from the list you can select the server of your choice "current players", "map" etc and you can check the latency.
That's it.

Thank You,

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